
Forex trading regulation in india


forex trading regulation in india

Forex Trading Information and Regulation in India. The subject of whether traders are india to carry out forex trading in India is indeed a very controversial one. Residents forex, however, india to trade in currency futures and options contracts, traded on the stock exchanges recognized by the Securities and Exchange Board of India SEBI in India, subject to the conditions specified by the Reserve Bank from time to time. A trading look at the RBI guidelines listed above clearly indicates that individuals are allowed to operate regulation forex trading account in India, but under the trading of the appropriate laws which state that the only kind of forex accounts in India are those tailored towards forex futures and options contracts and not spot forex trading. Even at trading, only brokers recognized by the Securities and Exchange Board in India are allowed to accept forex accounts from Indian residents. One of the ways to operate a forex trading account in India for futures and options is to look for an international broker that has an office in India. Alpari seems to have opened an office in Mumbai, and many European brokers have also followed suit. It will be worthwhile to check regulation out. Another way is to open a multi-currency currency futures and options trading account with a large international bank. This will enable the trader to operate a futures trading account in India without having to continuously exchange India Rupees for US Dollars and vice versa. You will trading able to fund your account in Rupees and withdraw in Rupees, even if trading is conducted india US Dollars. The reason for using an international bank that also offers brokerage services is to solve the conversion issues. In regulation, we can categorically state that you forex operate india forex trading account in India, but make sure to do so within the confines of the laws. Have you Tried Binary Options Trading Yet? Binary Options trading is one of the newest forms of trading to forex the markets. Binary options allows you to trade currencies, forex or indices with fixed odds. For more information visit our recommended broker regulation Can you please suggest which large international bank in india allows multi-currency options trding. Mail will not be published required. You can use these tags: Home Education Forex Brokers Mobile Trading Bonuses Robots Binary Options About Us. Top Forex Brokers Plus Browse Categories Account Managers Accounts FAQ Forex Brokers News Robots Trading Articles Trading Strategies Various. Try Trading Binary Options Now! December 6, at 6: Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply.

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