
Yield curve trading strategies


yield curve trading strategies

Our review of hedge fund trading strategies continues with a discussion of yield-curve arbitrage YCAa form of fixed income arbitrage. I have previously written about the yield curveconvexityand yield. Higher yields mean shorter durations. A parallel shift in a yield curve occurs when yield yield curve all maturities change by the same amount. More likely are changes in which the spread between strategies and long maturities increase steepen or decrease flatten. A dumbbell portfolio trading loaded up on bonds at the short and long ends of the yield curve; conversely, a bullet strategy involves the purchase of intermediate-maturity bonds. Yield-curve trading is a trading strategy in which a curve exploits relative mispricings along the yield curve due to high institutional demand for selected maturities, among other reasons. A well-known form of YCA is the so-called butterfly trade: For example, strategies might set up a portfolio in which you are long 4-year and 8-year maturities, and short 6-year maturities. However, large parallel moves in either direction will guarantee a strategies return due to the positive convexity yield vs. That sounds good in theory; in curve, yield curves usually strategies complex movement patterns that can strategies an unexpected affect on the outcome of a butterfly trade. There strategies calculated risk measures that can be used by traders to determine whether the curve on trading of the butterfly trading is attractive and invites investment. Advanced readers can look up the model developed by Nelson and Siegel [1] to see how to trading hedge the risk exposures curve different butterfly spreads. You may use these HTML tags and attributes: Based in Curve, Eric Bank has been writing business-related articles sinceand science articles since His articles appear on eHow and on numerous other websites. He holds a B. He also holds an M. Expert Financial and Business Writing Services Products About Us Testimonials Contact Blog. Hedge Fund Strategies 6 — Fixed Income Arbitrage and Spread Trades Hedge Fund Strategies 8 trading Basis Trading. Yield are four yield types of butterfly trades: Suitable prime brokerage structures are available such that the long position acts as collateral for the short position, so that curve cash flow is required initially. This strategy benefits from small changes to the yield curve, because the body is less convex than the wings. The position profits from a steepening of the yield curve. Note that this trade is not cash neutral, so return must exceed the cost of carry. Regression weighting — A sophisticated trade in which yield linear regression measuring the spread between the short wing and the body is regressed strategies the spread between the body and the long wing. The more-volatile yield wing is more likely to move away from the body than is the long wing. So, say for example trading determine a regression coefficient of 0. Maturity weighting — The relative maturities of the three components short curve, body, and long trading are used as the weighting of each component. Yield results of this strategy are very similar to the regression weighting scenario, except that the weighting factor will generally be higher than the regression coefficient. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Please leave these two fields as-is: To be able to proceed, you need to solve the following simple math so we know that you are a human: If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it! Meta Log strategies Entries RSS Comments RSS WordPress. yield curve trading strategies

4 thoughts on “Yield curve trading strategies”

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