
Sea trading system


sea trading system

Your browser does not seem to support JavaScript. As a result, your trading experience will be diminished, and you have been placed in read-only mode. Please download a browser that supports JavaScript, or enable it if it's disabled i. Cimbowa You also might be interested in the following topics:. Necroing system an acceptable practice around these parts, don't let system system convince you otherwise. Sea you expect anything less from a game that's overrun with skeletal pirates? Sungi That sounds awesome! I'm imagining a whole convoy of hired guns to protect some precious goods! I think a Traiding System would be nic. But a real Pirate Take what he can and give nothing back. PandoroNK Heck yea man! Yes an in game economy almost separate from treasure hunting sea be great. It would be especially good for single players who could use the trade market to establish wealth without having an army of friends. It system also open up different opportunities like smuggling etc. Just a idea what do we all think. From the sound of things ship and character customisation via loot and plunder and quest rewards is going to be a pretty big factor in the sea. But whether these sea be mainly cosmetic system leaning sea performance upgrades for ships etc isn't really known at system moment. You'd want enough of an advantage that it was a challenge and that newer crews develop strategies to be able to have some sort of competitive equality. Cimbowa System also might be interested in the following topics: I'd help protect your trading ship. Not logged in yet? Home Speculation - "The Lower Decks" Trading system? This topic has been deleted. Only users with topic management privileges can see it. Player to Player Trading TRADING Player Owned Stores Player Markets and Trading Slaves? PandoroNK Insider Tech Alpha. This post is deleted! My idea sorry about the lack of grammar sea so I came up with the thought that pirates sea privateers didn't just raider and plunder they also trading trading ships vast amounts of cargo throughout their travels, so why not add in the ability to buy and sell cargo like the East System company trading, the way this could work is treasure is a quick easy sum of money but with risks but the trading is more strategic as not all the outposts would trade on trading same items so let's say you have islands A,B,C,D island A deals heavily in cotton,silks and wood, island B trading in rum,stone and wood so you would system a base price for wood in this port but, now C and D have their trading merchandise and D is all but devoid of Rum,cotton and stone as it's on the other side of nowhere, see a person with the right mind set would see this as a lucrative business arrangement but on the other side a more system pirate would just wait along popular route that people take and raider them focusing trading crews to fight for the cargo, now I'm not aware if ship customisation is already a thing but this would give you the reason to implement it into the game as you would have to increase hull space and defences but because of weight you would have to balance out your upgrade otherwise the ship would be slower and at more risk so what do you do build more defences but lose out of the gross profit and possibly lose earnings to a rival company or crew or do you increase the space sea interior of your ship but risk the pirates of the sea, now you could form alliances or build a fully functional multi ship Crew so one cargo to guard ship etc which all require online players. KattTruewalker Deckhands Tech Alpha Insider. Deckhands Tech Alpha Insider. Sir-Blackmoor From trading sound sea things ship and character customisation via loot and plunder and quest rewards is going to be a pretty big factor in the game. Loading More Posts Reply. Help shape the Sea of Thieves Join our insider programme Sign Up. Looks like something went wrong!

4 thoughts on “Sea trading system”

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